Hi! I'm Flynn Coyne, a sophomore at Georgia Tech pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design. I am on the track to pursue a minor in Computing and People as well, which will enable me to understand human-centered design from an artistic, technological, and computational perspective.
The motive that drives my inspiration and practice is empathy. I design in order to help others by creating personal, innovative, and visually enjoyable experiences through products and digital platforms. I focus on form and function, allowing ergonomics to portray the story between the person and the product. I seek to immerse myself in new experiences and places to expand upon what I know so far about the world and the history, cultures, and customs that design the way we live. My design process is driven by curiosity and is executed through research and ideation. As I continue to develop my skills as a designer, I hope to learn new and unique methods of bridging the intersection between culture and modern technology to make positive change through my passion for design.